DC-BTC is a new generation of MMM!
Mathematical algorithms behind DC-BTC originate from materials, handed over by Sergey Mavrodi's brother, Viacheslav, after the demise of the former. He shared with us unique, revolutionary ideas that brothers have told no one about for 25 years.
Earlier, MMM had to face obstacles on its path to changing the world. MMM-94 was shattered down by the state that took 17 trucks of cash belonging to MMM members to an undisclosed location.
MMM-2011 shut down after its leader, Sergey Mavrodi, was arrested, and MMM Global closed down after his demise.
We've learnt the lessons from MMM-94, MMM-2011 and MMM Global — we've incorporated the best and got rid of all disadvantages. Using the cutting-edge Blockchain technology and the mathematical algorithm developed by the Mavrodi brothers, we've created a System at a new level. It cannot be forged or hacked, it's not affected by the human factor. DC-BTC is a completely decentralized System that operates automatically, regulated and controlled by no one. It cannot be destroyed.
Thus, MMM has transformed into DC-BTC and has become even better. This is MMM of the digital age — a new Global Mutual Aid Club! It's a new-generation MMM! This is a financial nuke!